How Do Hybrid Cars Work?

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Hybrid vehicles are becoming a staple of Lexington lifestyles. With so many on Shelby roads, you might be wondering, “What is a hybrid car, and how does it work?” We’re here to help and provide some answers. Hybrid vehicles are a great alternative to fully electric cars by giving you the excitement of their electric motor and the comfort of the gas engine. Learn more about how hybrid cars work with Spitzer Kia Mansfield today!



Parallel Hybrid vs. Series Hybrid Vehicles

There two most common types of hybrid vehicles are parallel hybrids and series hybrids. Both have great fuel efficiency and provide enjoyable rides through Shelby. But how are they powered? A hybrid car is powered by an electric motor and a traditional combustion engine. They work together to maximize mileage and reduce your fuel expenses. We’ll go more into detail about the difference between parallel hybrid and series hybrid vehicles below.

Parallel Hybrid

The majority of hybrid cars on the road are parallel hybrids. In these hybrids, the electric motor and gas engine are connected to the transmission and work synchronously to power the vehicle.

Series Hybrid

In series hybrid vehicles, the electric motor is paired to the transmission. It’s the main source of power and the gas engine, connected to the motor, serves as a backup generator.

How Do Hybrid Cars Work Compared to Electric Vehicles?

Have you heard of plug-in electric vehicles? They’re not the same as hybrid cars. Hybrid vehicles use both an electric motor and a gas engine. Electric cars, on the other hand, solely rely on electric power. Some brands now offer plug-in hybrids, which combine the benefits of both:

  • Plug-in hybrids have new, increased battery packs that allow these vehicles to go further on just electric power.
  • You can charge your hybrid similarly to an EV when doing shorter drives. Utilize the electrical power during the day and recharge at night.
  • You can still fill up on gasoline for longer trips like you would with a conventional powertrain.
  • Because they don’t rely solely on electricity, hybrid plug-in vehicles take between one and four hours to charge fully.

Explore Hybrid Power with Spitzer Kia Mansfield Today!

Now that you know about hybrid power, it’s time to experience it for yourself! Take a look at our new hybrid vehicle inventory to see which will best fit your Ashland lifestyle. We even have used hybrids and EVs for the buyer who wants to save even more. Our finance team will walk you through the purchasing process. Contact us if you have any questions!


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