Do you need some clarification about how long brake pads last? You’re not alone! Many Lexington drivers aren’t sure about how long brake pads should last. Not to worry, because the service team at Spitzer Kia Mansfield is here to clear it up for you.
There is often uncertainty about how long brake pads last because the answer can vary quite a bit between different drivers and types of vehicles on the Shelby roads. Depending on your make/model and the quality of your brake pads, you should be able to go at least 20,000 miles before replacing them. However, many drivers can go up to 75,000 miles before replacing their brake pads!Learn more about what affects how long brake pads last below.
What’s the difference between brake pads that need to be replaced at 20,000 miles and brake pads that can make it up to 75,000 miles? There are many factors at play. Review the points below to learn more about the top causes of brake pad wear for Ashland drivers:
As you can see, some factors, like your driving habits and brake pad type, are within your control. Brake pads wear out from the friction that’s caused by the braking action itself. Thus, it’s inevitable that your brake pads will wear out completely at some point. However, practicing good habits like gradually coming to a stop instead of slamming your brakes can help reduce the rate of brake wear. Additionally, opting for a higher-quality brake pad like a ceramic pad can help you go longer between replacements.
Ceramic brake pads use some of the best quality materials available, so they’re more resilient and can last longer. How long do ceramic brake pads last? Up to 75,000 miles on average! If you’re wondering whether a ceramic brake pad upgrade is feasible for your vehicle, contact our service center to learn more.
So, how long should brake pads last? Now you know that you should manage to get at least 20,000 miles from your brake pads. If you’re not getting that, talk to our service team to determine what the issue could be. Schedule an appointment or call 419-513-8879 for more information! We’re always happy to help.
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