How Long Can You Drive on a Spare Tire?

Kia Sportage Spare Tire

If you get a flat tire in Lexington and need to use your spare, you’ll probably wonder, “How long can I drive on a spare tire?” You should replace the spare tire as soon as possible, but you can drive on some spares longer than others, depending on the type. Full-size spares afford you more time and mileage before buying a new tire. But if you’re one of many Shelby drivers with a small space-saver spare tire, you shouldn’t drive on it for more than 70 miles maximum. Learn more about spare tires below!

How Long Can You Drive on a Spare Tire: Space-Saver

Every Ashland driver should know what type of spare tire their car has. If your spare is smaller than your other tires, it’s a space-saver spare (also called a “donut” spare). Space-saver spare tires are the standard for many new cars and crossovers. If your car has this type of spare, here’s what you should know about it:

  • Do not exceed 50 mph when driving on a space-saver spare
  • Space-saver spares shouldn’t be used for more than 70 miles at most 
  • Your space-saver spare won’t have the same traction as your normal tires

Any other restrictions will be on the spare. Ideally, you should head to the nearest tire center to replace your spare within a day or two.

How Long Can You Drive on a Spare Tire: Full-Size 

Full-size spare tires exist, though they’re not as common as space-savers. Typically, full-size spares come on trucks and SUVs where a space-saver would be too small to drive on. With a full-size spare tire, you can drive up to 100 miles before replacing it. However, you should still replace it as soon as possible because it likely won’t have the same performance capabilities as your other tires. 

What Is a Run-Flat Tire?

Some cars come with run-flat tires, which often means no spare tire. Instead, the run-flat tires can continue driving even after a puncture. Run-flat tires have pros and cons:

  • Maintains pressure after a puncture for about 50 miles
  • More durable than space-saver or full-size spares 
  • Costs more than standard tires

If your Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) warns you of low pressure in one of your run-flat tires, pull over when you can and inspect the tires. If you find a puncture, you’ll need to get the tire repaired or replaced quickly, as it’ll only maintain pressure for about 50 miles.

Learn More About Tires with Spitzer Kia Mansfield!

Your initial question, “How long can I drive on a spare tire?” has been answered, but perhaps you have other tire questions you’d like answered, like how often to rotate tires. We’re here to help! Contact us to talk to a service advisor today or schedule an appointment for tire service.

Spitzer Kia Mansfield 40.77, -82.59.