What Does TPMS Mean?

TPMS Light on Dash

It can be confusing when you’re driving down the Lexington streets and you see an alert that says “TPMS” or a deflated tire with an exclamation mark pop up on your dashboard. So, you might be wondering, “What does TPMS mean?” TPMS means “Tire Pressure Monitoring System.” It lets you know that your tire pressure is low and needs to be filled. Let’s take a closer look at the tire pressure monitoring system with Spitzer Kia Mansfield today! For more information, feel free to contact us anytime!

Tire Pressure Monitoring System Features

So, now that we know the answer to, “what does TPMS mean?”, let’s take a closer look at some of the features of the tire pressure monitoring system. Depending on which model you own, the tire pressure monitoring system may simply say “TPMS” or it might be a symbol of a deflated tire with an exclamation mark. If your tires are underinflated, it could lead to issues such as:

  • Poor traction
  • Decreased load carrying capability
  • A flat tire or blowout
  • Poor fuel economy

It’s critical to make sure that your tires are at the correct pressure, as the proper tire pressure could prevent a potential accident or lead to premature tread wear on your tires. Having the proper tire pressure could even improve your fuel economy! The tire pressure monitoring system allows you to keep an eye on your tire pressure around Shelby without having to check manually.

Proper Tire Inflation

Over- and under-inflated tires could potentially lead to issues on Mansfield roads. On the other hand, ensuring your tires are properly inflated will:

  • Reduce tread movement and increasing the life of the tire
  • Reduce rolling resistance which will increase vehicle efficiency
  • Increase water dispersion which decreases the likelihood of hydroplaning

We recommend that you always consult your owner’s manual to determine the proper tire pressure. Having tires that are properly inflated could also save you money in the long run.

You can fill up your tires using the following methods:

  • Gas stations often have tire filling areas near the pump station.
  • You can take your vehicle to your local Mansfield service center for full tire service.
  • You can even use a bike pump if you have one handy!

Schedule Tire Service with Spitzer Kia Mansfield!

Now that we’ve checked out the features and symbols associated with the tire pressure monitoring system, you’ll know when to check your tire pressure around Ashland. To extend the lifespan of your tires, be sure to schedule service with our experts, and use our service specials to save!


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