Hybrid vs. Electric Car: Finding the One

2022 Kia Niro EV at sunset
Whether it’s for ecological purposes or you’re looking to save money on sky-high gas prices, choosing between hybrid cars vs. electric cars is dependent on your preferences. Spitzer Kia Mansfield covers the advantages and disadvantages of each type of drivetrain so that Lexington drivers like you can have a better idea of which model may be best for your lifestyle.



Understanding Hybrid Cars vs. Electric Cars

While both hybrid and electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular in Shelby, we just want to cover the basics of hybrid vs. electric cars before discussing the benefits of each.

Hybrid vs. Electric Cars: Hybrid Cars

Hybrid vehicles are gas powered, running on a gas engine and a secondary electric motor, which work in tandem to propel your vehicle forward. This provides significant improvements in gas mileage and savings on your Ashland drives. Hybrid vehicles have a battery that operates and often is self-charging. There are, however, plug-in models available that allow drivers to operate on electric energy alone for a short time, then use their gas engine when the battery has run out.

Hybrid vs. Electric Cars: Electric Cars

Electric vehicles, on the other hand, run on electric power alone. The traditional combustion engine used by most vehicles, including hybrids, is not a part of an EV. Electric vehicles operate on a large battery and an electric motor. The EV battery is pretty large and needs to be charged via an EV charging station or home charger. The amount of charge is the equivalent to the amount of miles you can drive. Models like the Kia Niro EV provide an electric range of 239 miles when charged to 100%.

Advantages of Hybrid Vehicles

Hybrid cars don’t require any changes in your daily driving habits. If you aren’t sure about making a full electric change, a hybrid is a great option. Drivers can earn legitimate savings on fuel, the battery charges itself, and in most cases, hybrids are more affordable than electric vehicles. If you have a long commute or you’re a weekend warrior frequently making long road trips, a hybrid vehicle may be the best option for you. You can fuel up at any gas station you want without worrying about where the next EV charger may be.

Advantages of Electric Vehicles

Over time, an electric vehicle provides the most amount of savings on energy and on maintenance. Not only that, but they are easier on the environment as well. If you are looking for efficiency with no tailpipe emissions, a quiet and peaceful ride, and other advantages, an EV may be a better choice for your Ashland commute. Check out the other benefits of electric vehicles:

  • No money spent on gas
  • Flexible charging options, including home and public options
  • Fewer maintenance costs (no oil changes or engine upkeep)
  • Potential EV incentives based on your location

If you are mostly driving around Mansfield, it’s good to consider an EV! Certain models offer significant ranges on a single full charge, and longer trips aren’t out of the question; they just require some additional planning. Plus, the number of public EV charging stations is constantly increasing.

Compare Hybrid Cars vs. Electric Cars at Spitzer Kia Mansfield

Now that you have a better understanding of the advantages of hybrid vs. electric cars, you may be curious about testing them out for yourself. Shoppers can contact us for more information on hybrid and EV options, and schedule a test drive with our dealership in Mansfield today.


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