How Often to Change the Oil in a Kia

Service Technician changing the oil on a vehicle
If you fail to perform oil changes according to the schedule laid out in your owner’s manual, your engine simply won’t last as long as it could. In fact, waiting too long could lead to serious, irreversible damage—and send your Kia into a very early retirement. That’s why Kia oil change frequency guidelines recommend a visit to our service center at least once every 7,500 to 10,000 miles.

Still not sure of how often to change the oil in a Kia? Assuming you drive about as much as the average Lexington-area car owner, you should stop in at least once or twice per year.



Kia Oil Change Frequency: Normal vs. Exceptional Usage

Kia oil change frequency guidelines are based on the expectation that you use your vehicle for basic daily driving and the occasional long-distance trip—and not much else. If you deviate from what’s often referred to as ‘normal use’, it’s generally a good idea to come in for oil changes more often.

Get an oil change every 4,000 to 5,000 miles if you engage in any of the following activities:

  • Off-roading
  • Commercial use
  • Racing
  • Heavy towing

If you still have questions about how often to change the oil in a Kia, check your owner’s manual. It includes guidelines for both normal and exceptional use cases, so you can keep your car performing at its best.

Kia Oil Change Frequency: Other Common Questions

Now that you’ve got a sense of how often to change the oil in a Kia, check out these frequently asked questions and learn more about protecting your vehicle:

  • Should you use conventional or synthetic oil in your Kia? As of April 2021, the use of full synthetic motor oil is required to preserve your factory warranty coverage. For older models, check your owner’s manual. In general, conventional oil doesn’t last as long as full synthetic. Change your oil more often if you’re using the cheaper product.
  • Should you change your oil even if you don’t drive very often? Yes! Oil breaks down over time, even if it isn’t being used. Change your oil at least once or twice a year.
  • How often should you check your oil level? The most diligent Ashland and Shelby drivers will check their oil after every other fill-up—and we recommend checking at least once per month. It only takes a few moments, and can help you catch leaks before they lead to costly repairs.
  • What else should you do when you change your oil? Other service fluids don’t necessarily need to be changed as often as motor oil, but it doesn’t hurt to inspect your levels. At the very least, you should change your oil filter every time you flush and replace the oil.

Considering an EV? You should know that electric vehicles do not require oil changes—but they do require regular service and maintenance.

Schedule a Kia Oil Change at Spitzer Kia Mansfield

Here at our Mansfield dealership, we aim to complete every Kia oil change in an hour or less. If you’re ready to stop in, know that it’s easy to schedule service online. We even offer rotating oil change coupons and service specials that no driver should overlook!

Service Specials at Spitzer Kia Mansfield

Brake Job Special

Brakes & Rotors

$25 Off Per Axle

Must present offer when service order is written. One offer per customer. May not be combined with other offers. Not applicable to prior purchases. Plus sales tax and environmental charges apply. Other restrictions may apply. See dealer for complete details. Expires at month end.

Expires: 02/28/2025

Pay – Over – Time

90 Day Same As Cash Financing Available On All Repairs or Maintenance

With approval. 90% approval rate and no hard credit pull. See dealer for details. Expires at month end.

Expires: 02/28/2025

Winter Service Special



Oil & Filter Change

Tire Rotation & Balance


Front Wiper Blades

Cabin Filter

Battery Inspection

Alignment Check

Multi-Point Inspection

Includes up to 5 quarts of full synthetic 5w20 or 5w30. All others will have an additional charge. Must present coupon at time of write up. Not valid with any other offers or in-store specials. One coupon, per customer, per visit. Does not include sales tax. Not retroactive. No cash value. Valid only at your Spitzer location. See your service advisor for complete details. Expires at month end.

Expires: 02/28/2025

Spend & Save Wildcard Special

You Spend $100 – $250.99                 Save $10

You Spend $251 – $500.99                 Save $25

You Spend $501 – $1,000.99             Save $50

You Spend $1,001 and Up                  Save $75

Maximum savings of $75.00, some restrictions may apply. Excludes tires and already discounted items. Must present coupon at time of write up. Not valid with any other offers or in-store specials. One coupon, per customer, per visit. Does not include sales tax. Not retroactive. No cash value. Valid only at your Spitzer location. See your service advisor for complete details. Expires at month end.

Expires: 02/28/2025

Buy 3 Tires and Get the 4th for $1.00

Must present coupon at time of write up. Not valid with any other offers or in-store specials. One coupon, per customer, per visit. Does not include sales tax. Not retroactive. No cash value. Valid only at your Spitzer location. See your service advisor for complete details. Expires at month end.

Expires: 02/28/2025


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Spitzer Kia Mansfield 40.77, -82.59.